If the settings of your application are made correctly, the questionnaires will be sent to you in the given time intervals (even if you are not currently connected to the Internet). It is possible that you received the questionnaire, but you missed filling it out. The questionnaire is always available for only 45 minutes. Please try to change the notification style on your phone so that you can register the incoming questionnaire (eg change the vibration to a sound effect or vice versa, depending on what suits you). The settings are made directly in the settings of your phone as well as when setting up incoming messages / sms, etc. Questionnaires should work properly even when you are offline (ie without an internet connection).
If you feel that you have not received the questionnaire, it may be for other reasons, such as strict security settings or setting the battery saving mode, which causes the phone to turn off applications running in the background. This problem is common with Huawei phones. For tips on how to solve these problems, please click HERE .
Otherwise, please contact us.